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SUNSIR Egg Boiler Egg cooker 6egg 3egg

2023-06-09 13:53:13

SUNSIR Egg Boiler
Help your 
#breakfast easy !
Make soft, medium, and hard boiled eggs in 12-15 minutes or less! The Egg Cooker can boil up to 6 eggs at a time. Poaches up to 2 eggs with a separate poaching tray.
The timer clicks and the light turns off when cooking is complete. Quick and simple, it makes cooking eggs so much easier!
The Rapid Egg Cooker comes with an switch knob , poaching tray, hard boiled tray for 6 eggs plastic base,
BPA Free plastic egg holders for hard boiled, non-stick tray for poached eggs, measuring cup, plastic lid.

#Food #electronics #manufacturer #management #family





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